Autor: <span>David Dudek</span>

Máme novou dobrovolnici!

V únoru obohatila naší školní komunitu dobrovolnice z Turecka Hülya. Za těch pár týdnů už jsme spolu ve škole zažili spoustu dobrodružství a těšíme se na ta další. Děkujeme Evropskému sboru solidarity za podporu.

My experience in CoLibri – Nerea Enriquez

I barely have words to describe my experience in CoLibri school. I am just grateful and have learning ideas for my future projects. Since the first day, I felt warm, supported, and cared for. I had the freedom to prepare activities,  join workshops, attend team meetings, and visit the gatherings with the families or with other free democratic schools. I tried to be as much as …